Voices Amplified: Navigating Inclusive Activism in the Realm of Migration and Women’s Rights

No More Violence Against Women – podcast of the WAVE Network
  • Voices Amplified: Navigating Inclusive Activism in the Realm of Migration and Women's Rights
26:28 min.
WAVE x unsichtbar: Artivism – Art used as a tool against violence against women
34:56 min.
Women's rights around the globe - a conversation with Farah Abou Harb
33:08 min.
The need to end cyber violence – an interview with Dr. Eleonora Esposito
50:13 min.
Taking an intersectional approach to tackling human rights abuses
29:43 min.
Achieving sustainable activism in today's world! #WAVEofChange
29:49 min.
Access to safe abortion is health care
19:16 min.
Women’s bodies have been used as weapons: the devastating consequences of war
17:38 min.
Abortion Rights are Human Rights!
29:06 min.
Tatiana Chebac on mental health & sustainable service provision
No More Violence Against Women; the podcast of the WAVE Network.

In this podcast, WAVE voices are amplified to give insight on topics such as sexualised violence, online violence, femicides, violence against women with disabilities, youth activism, important legislation such as the Istanbul Convention, and more to highlight the different forms and dimensions of violence against women and girls.

In this episode, WAVE interns and feminist activists Yasmine Aburaya (Founder of Your Voice صُوتِك) and Alexandra Legentil delve into the crucial realm of inclusive activism. They share their unique approaches to tackling issues affecting women in the context of migration, forced migration, and women’s rights. From personal experiences that have shaped their activism to highlighting the need to address violence against women holistically, Yasmine and Alexandra bring diverse perspectives, ranging from academic to grass-roots efforts. Despite their different paths, both find common ground in advocating for migrant women to have a seat at the table in order to tailor effective responses to their needs. Together, we explore the challenges that migrant women face in accessing information, the need for a wider range of women’s specialist services, and the importance of countering cultural insensitivity and language barriers; all while highlighting the key role of truly inclusive activism in not only amplifying migrant women’s voices, but actively listening and responding to their diverse realities.

created and developed by Eliana Jimeno (WAVE Advocacy Advisor), Branislava Arađan (WAVE Project & Youth Ambassador Coordinator) & Beverly Mtui (WAVE Communications Coordinator)

produced and edited by Branislava Arađan, WAVE Youth Ambassador Coordinator & Beverly Mtui, WAVE Communications Coordinator

WAVE Network: WebsiteFacebookX and Instagram

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or opinion/position of Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE).