In Solidarity for Environmental Rights – Local and Global Challenges

Vienna REC
  • KUBO
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Panel discussion about phillipino environmental realities

In the face of the 5th tropical cyclon hitting the Philippines this year, causing devastating environmental disasters, in the panel In Solidarity for Environmental Rights – Local and Global Challenges, a team of experts discusses the current and pressing environmental issues the Phillipines are facing right now.

In the talk they address topics like the “global” in global warming, they speak about the difference between colonalism and coloniality, as well as the duality of a “green energy” transition in regard to international solidarity.

We hear the opinions of Andya Paz, the decolonial scholar and PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences and Policy from The Central European University, Veronica Cabe from the Nuclear-Coal free bataan movement based in the Phillipines, Amadeo Kaus from Fridays for Future Cologne in Germany and the Senior Environmental Specialist of the OPEC fund for International Development, Gerardo Parco. OPEC is the intergovernmental organization of the petroleum exporting countries, based in Vienna.

Moderator is Marina Wetzlmaier, journalist and founder of Kasama- Climate Solidarity Philippines.

The panel was recorded on September 7, 2024 during the KUBO – KULTUR BAYANIEHAN ŌSTERREICH festival, which celebrates the Filipino experience through cultural traditions, art and dialogue. It is inspired by the spirit of communal unity called Bayanihan, where people come together to encourage and support each other towards a common goal.

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