16.05.2023 - Special Guest: Demet, Büşra and Prandvera (EuSC volunteers at komm!unity in Wörgl and Pojat)
15.03.2023 -
15.03.2023 - In questa puntata Cinzia e Orsi si tuffano in due argomenti che per loro sono passioni comuni. Discutono dei diversi tipi di saluti dal Tirolo, dall’Italia e dall’Ungheria (in Italiano!). Presentano poi Maria Montessori e il suo metodo...
16.01.2023 - A talk about New Year's celebrations and traditions.
16.01.2023 - International thoughts on mental health
16.01.2023 - On Talking Europe volunteers from all over the world talk about different topics, like Homesickness and experience with German.
14.11.2022 - The new volunteers talk about their first impressions and difficulties after arriving in Tyrol, and their cultural stereotypes.