Edward Stiglitz

Radio Helsinki
Aboard his space-time machine, Edward Stiglitz takes you on a journey through ages and musical genres to deliver you his favorite earthly nuggets in "La brèche" ! The show orbits around funk, disco, jazz, soul, psych, prog rock, cosmic, and strange sounds from the world... But also special mixes dedicated to modern music.

A program by Edward Stiglitz that can be heard two mondays a month, from 18:00 to 19:30 but also on Campus 94 FM Toulouse (France) two Saturdays a month from 23:00 p.m to 00:30 a.m (Rebroadcasted the sunday at 13:00)

Replay and tracklist on the blog : www.labrecheradio.blogspot.com

Get into the breach !

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