16.11.2018 - Yasmine Elsalakawy interwies H.E. Dr. Mohamed Shaker El-Markabi Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy and the Egyptian delegation , from UN IN Vienna full coverage for the 62 General Conference International Atomic Energy Agency...
19.10.2018 - Yasmine Elsalakawy 21/6/2020
14.06.2018 - Yasmine Elsalakawy in Program Yasmine on air full coverage Egyptian Forum
13.06.2018 - Yasmine on air. Yasmine Elsalakawy, Egyptian Forum , Radiofro Mr. Martin Woller Mr. Rudlof Thaller Egyptian embassy
15.04.2018 - Yasmine Elsalakawy is again on air on radio fro. In her broadcast she reports from the „Art and literature in the face of extremism“ Conference in Alexandria, in Arabic and a little in German and English
28.02.2018 - Yasmine Elsalakawy with Nashwa Hofy in Yasmine on air Radio fro
17.01.2018 - yasmine Elsalakwy interview with Dr Mustafa Elfiky in yasmine on air Radio fro
14.11.2017 - Yasmine Elsalakawy episode with Famous Singer Hany Shaker Yasmine on air Program Radio fro Austria Yasmine on Air #yasmineonair #yasmineelsalakawy Bei Yasmine on Air dreht sich alles um die arabische Welt. Es wird Aktuelles aus arabischen Ländern...
17.09.2017 - حلقة الإعلامي المتميز محمد المساعيد مع ياسمين السلكاوي في برنامجكم ياسمين ان اير
18.06.2017 - Yasmine on Air with famous writer Mohamed Elbasousi لقا ياسمين السلكاوي مع الكاتب والسيناريت الكبير محمد الباسوسي