07.12.2015 - UnityShow is produced by 12 young people with a background from former Yugoslavia who live in Vienna, Sarajevo and Skopje. In autumn Bogdan and Tanja went to LET’S CEE Film Festival. You can listen to their report about this year´s...
21.09.2015 - Nerma Ajnadžić and Krešimir Pavković spoke with the macedonian journalist Tomislav Kezarovski, he was imprisoned for reveaing identity of a protected whitnes.
21.09.2015 - Irena Karevska and Martin Manaskov did go deeper into the topic of sports and unity, and ask about the question if sports bring people together or rather separate them.
21.09.2015 - Bogdan Brkic and Katerina Smileva About the transgender singer macedonian singer Fifi Janevski and the question of LGBTQ+ beeing a reason for getting asylu
21.09.2015 - Ivana Čuturić and Sarah Rayyes aks about how the internet does influence the public opinion on refugees
21.09.2015 - Vladimir Čolaković and Tanja Rajkovic about ethical standarts for reporting about refugees
21.09.2015 - Unity Show is a radioformat created by a group of 12 students from Skopje, Sarajevo and Vienna. They are part of the two-year traineeship in the Erasmus+ project Connecting (ex)You. On week 38 they met in Skopje (Macedonia) and produced...
29.07.2015 - Unity Show is a radioformat created by a group of 12 students from Skopje, Sarajevo and Vienna. They are part of the two-year traineeship in the Erasmus+ project Connecting (ex)You. Sound by Copy & Paste...
29.07.2015 - an audiopackage by Bogdan Brkic, Irena Karevska, Nerma Ajnadžić
29.07.2015 - an audiopackage by: Ivana Čuturić, Katerina Smileva, Sarah Rayyes
29.07.2015 - an audiopackage by Martin Manaskov, Krešimir Pavković, Azmir Sehic
29.07.2015 - an audiopackage by Tanja Rajkovic, Vanja Micevska, Vladimir Čolaković