18.10.2018 - In diese Sendung unser heutiger Gast ist Katharina Duchaczek, ProjektKoordinatorin bei projektXchange, einem Integrationsprojekt des Österreichischen Roten Kreuzes. Am 19.10. besucht der Amtierender Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen als...
03.05.2018 - SAIA ROSHAN Special Program on a back-to-back suicide attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan on APRIL.30.2018. Today is „World Press Freedom Day“. Exactly Two days ago, 10 journalists were killed in these mentioned heinous attacks. This is...
29.03.2018 -
24.03.2018 -
01.02.2018 - GoodiPal and Nynne are activist on refugees situation – they are helping especially refugees in Serbia and in the EU countries they are waiting to pass the borther.