Angehende KulturanthropologInnen on Air – In der Nacht vom 25. auf den 26. Juni 2015 im esc medien kunst labor und auf Radio Helsinki.

Short Radio Night has originally been planned as the nocturnal project presentation block of the seminar “Night – A cultural analysis” at the Department for Cultural Anthropology of the University of Graz. A similar night presentation block has been held early the same year at University of Vienna with the methodology course “Urban Nightscapes”. Both courses deal with working day nights.

Course language is English, since Graz University encourages to receive exchange students. Actually this course in multilingual and reflects a linguistically mobile and lifeworld-oriented academic environment. Therefore, broadcasting languages are German and English, with occasional French and Finnish readings. Presenting seminar projects not just to a teacher or to peers, but to an invisible radio audience will enhance the relevance of the students’ work and hone their communication skills.

The place, esc medien kunst labor in the very town centre, contributes to openness during a peripheral daytime. The Short Radio Night is the last event it its programme “iterationen”.

(in alphabetical order)

Eggel Ruth (assistant)
Silvia “Phoenix” Gangl (radio-activist)
Hoffmann Alexandra  (student)
Hofmüller Reni (host)
Moke Klengel (radio-activist)
Mautner Hannah (student)
Mecollari Paola (student)
Menhard Johanna (student)
Polzer Birgit (student)
Schmidsberger Isabella (student)
Sparling Amy (student)
Stefan Karina (student)
Winkler Justin (teacher)

Additional people are involved in pre-productions, but not present during the night.


Eine Kooperation von Radio Helsinki, ESC Medien Kunst Labor und dem Institut für Volkskunde und Kulturanthropologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.