20.11.2013 - This show presents a talk by historian Peter Linebaugh about the Luddite machine breakers, the commons, and struggles across in Atlantic in the year of war and natural disasters, 1811.
21.10.2013 - June 2013 saw the emergence of a “Perfect Storm of Discontent” in Brazil. Like recent the movement in Turkey, the revolt in Brazil started in a country which has been hailed as an economic miracle, and took off over a relatively minor issue....
19.09.2013 - This show is based on a conversation with Susana from London, who is involved in various forms of mutual legal support and anti-crisis-politics protests there. We speak about the practices of legal observing and court monitoring as taking place...
26.08.2013 - [es] Esta emision combina cinco narrativas de crisis y autogestion, grabado en Argentina en 2012. Como pensar la ‚crisis‘, a traves el retrovisor del 2001 argentino, y con la mirada contemporanea hacia el kilombo en europa? Como se...
25.07.2013 - [ENG] This new-years show focuses on network-families beyond blood relations, alternative models of family and ways of thinking a micropolitics of trust that can strengthen movements in the context of precarity and crisis. it is based on a variety...
25.07.2013 - [ENG] This show focuses on network-families beyond blood relations, alternative models of family and ways of thinking a micropolitics of trust that can strengthen movements in the context of precarity and crisis. it is based on a variety of...
03.07.2013 -
03.06.2013 - This show presents an audiobook-ish experience, based on a talk by Silvia Federici about her book ‘Caliban and the Witch’. This book talks about how the development of capitalism is deeply entwined with processes of accumulation which needs to...
06.05.2013 - In dieser Mayday-Spezial Sendung präsentiert die Wiener Gruppe Prekär Cafe eine Reihe von Interviews, die sie im Rahmen von Spaziergängen durch prekäre Arbeitsplätze und Orte gemacht hat. So hören wir Geschichten vom Arbeitsamt, vom...
09.04.2013 - In dieser Sendung geht es um “Care” – Sorge, Pflege, Betreuung, Umsicht – und um feministische Perspektiven auf Wirtschaftstheorie, Geschlechter- und Budgetpolitik, sowie um mögliche Formen des Streiks innerhalb von Bereichen unbezahlter...
12.03.2013 - This show focuses on the issue of debt. We look at the sovereign debt crisis, with the help of an interview with Stathis Kouvelakis, and Nick Dearden from the Jubilee Debt Campaign. Nick tells us about citizens‘ debt audits and talks about...