26.01.2022 - Na radiu danes gostimo pevko, igralko in izvrstno mezzosopranistko Manco Izmajlovo. Njen repertoar obsega nekaj sto pesmi, klasičnih skladb in opernih arij. Manca Izmajlova se je opernega petja učila v Moskvi in zaključila študij iz muzikala...
15.12.2021 - Where did we start, where are we now, and where are we headed? In this episode of (Re)membering Rwanda, we’re reflecting on our journey. Along with personal reflections and those of past podcast guests, we’re also joined by special guests...
22.07.2020 - Kein Sommer wie damals.
28.05.2019 - TALK2MUCH / THEATER, THEATER „NICO – SPHINX AUS EIS” mit Christine Winter / 27.05.2019 / RADIOFABRIK SALZBURG Sie ist Schauspielerin, Autorin, Regisseurin, und sie hat ein neues Stück am Start: „Nico” (nach...
01.06.2018 - Guest of the show is Alice Moe, gender fluid artist, “heart activist, snailien, femqueer pansexy Tomboi”, Post porn actress and youth worker. Romina Achatz and Alice Moe are talking about Post porn, sex, queerness, multiplicities,...