19.10.2021 - Franco Luambo je bil pomemben pevec, skladatelj in kitarist, leta 1946 rojen v takrat še kolonialnem belgijskem Kongu. Med drugim je z glasbenikom Papa Wembo v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja pripomogel k vzponu klubske scene v...
18.10.2021 - Strut Records se imenuje nemška založba, ki se je specializirala za izdajanje arhivskih posnetkov glasbe iz 60-ih, 70-ih in 80-ih let, predvsem iz Afrike severno od ekvatorja, ter glasbe s karibskih otokov. Pri tej založbi je letos izšel...
09.07.2021 - Marino Formenti playing with Africans during Project Triester Strasse 66 ~ Recordings from first encounter rehersals
29.06.2021 - with director Katharina Weingartner
31.03.2021 - Diese Sendung ist in englischer Sprache. This show is in English Language and presented and moderated by Gea Gracner. It consists of two parts: The first part of is an interview with Bernadette Schausberger — a medical anthropologist and...
30.01.2021 - Afrobeat — Reggae — Dancehall — Naija — HipLife — Afropop: Eine musikalisch wohl duftende Reise auf Afrikas abwechslungsreichen Straßen — von den Hochhäuser Abidjans zu Accras Strand-Oasen in die bebenden...
27.01.2021 - Corona in African countries
06.12.2020 - “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” - Chinua Achebe - 1994 interview with the Paris Review
06.09.2020 - Saif's second African music show at the rehearsal stage.
30.08.2020 - In his first show, Saif is introducing his favourite African music.