17.02.2025 - Dance, Folk, Pop, Country, Hip Hop, Ambient , Experimental, Delta Blues, Rock, and Rap from music makers of the Mohawk, Cayuga, Cree, Metis, Oji-Cree, Navajo, Oglala Lakota, Wolastoqewiyik, Ojibwe and Inuk nations
24.12.2024 - Pop, Hip Hop, Throat Singing, Rock, Punk, Ambient, Dubstep, Country from artists of the Inuit, Haida, Cree, Mohawk, Tl'esqox, Taíno, Mi’kmaq, Métis, Diné, Tlingit, Apache, Taos Pueblo, Maliotenam, Nehiyaw, Cree, Lakota, and Ojibwe nations.
09.11.2024 - Hip Hop, Rock, Rez Metal, Native American Flute, Country, Folk, Reggae, Pow Wow, Pop, Throat Singing and Ambient from the indigenous musicians of the Metis, Yup’ik, Swinomish, Navajo, Anishinaabe, Cherokee, Cree, Lakota, Inuit & Seneca Nations
07.11.2024 - Der Atmospheric Playground dreht die 52. Karussellrunde! die Sendung zum 20 Jahresjubiläum eines der Meilensteine des Post-Metal. ISIS veröffentlichen im Oktober 2004 ihr Album Panopticon. Ein bis heute nahezu unerreichtes Stück Post-Metal...
30.10.2024 - Indie, Country, Hip Hop, Folk, Pop, Techno, Rap, Traditional Flute, House, and Ambient from members of the Ojibwe, Haisla, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Northern Pueblos, Atikamekw, Cree, Métis, Mi'kmaq, Dakota, Osage, and Huron-Wendat Nations
03.08.2024 - Latin, Indie, Disco, Folk, Rock, Hip Hop, Ambient, Country, Blues, and Experimental from members of the Zapoteca, Ojibwe, Cherokee, Dakota, Blackfoot, Piipaash, Quechan, Inuk, Anishnaabe, Metis, Cree, Mohawk, and Gitga'at Nations
05.04.2024 - Der Atmospheric Playground dreht die 46. Karussellrunde! Anläßlich des grenzgenialen Metroidvanias “Ultros”, widme ich die Sendung dem Künstler, der sich für den ambient Soundtrack verantwortlich zeichnet, “Ratvader”....
30.01.2024 - Burial
06.01.2024 - Singer/songwriter, Rock, Punk, HipHop, Indy, Ambient, Jazzy Funk, Latin Dance and more. By members of the O'odham, Choctaw, Wabanaki, Uto-Azteca, Tl'esqox, Apache, Chippewa, Ojibwe, Oglala Lakota, Navajo, and Inuk nations.
04.01.2024 - Jazzy start in the year....