12.02.2025 - On February 5th, a workshop was held at Halle für Kunst, where participants explored two incredible exhibitions. Now, we're sharing that experience with you!
04.02.2024 - The Perfect Playlist for a beautiful, sweaty, loving, hot valentines night or any other date night if you know what I mean. 😉 With Artists like : Stray Kids, B.I, Steven Rodriguez, Stevie Howie, Sofia Isella, Doja Cat, Chris Brown, The Weekend...
21.01.2024 - And The Winners Are - female:pressure radio 14.11.2023
26.07.2022 - An episode about the social movement that challenges beauty standards as an undesirable social construct to lead to acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, & physical abilities. We dive into the change of beauty...
20.07.2022 - Diese Ausgabe pumpt ordentlich in den Gehörmuskel ;)
28.06.2022 - A casual day, a casual session, Its hot outside and people are wearing shorts but why are so many people starring? Because you are different? Opening up every topic from Racism till fat shaming and queerness. How can Music change societies...
01.03.2022 - This episode hosts two Interviews as part of the project “SheddingSomethingShedding” with artists Mx. Sugar Mamasota and Sara Meghdari in conversation with Brandon Perdomo– all 3 based in Brooklyn, New York. Before the interviews, Brandon...
19.12.2021 - Let's talk about sex - genau das tun wir in dieser Sendung.
13.12.2021 - Let's talk about sex - genau das tun wir in dieser Sendung.
08.12.2021 - Wisdom as an artist ~ Weisheit als Künstler