07.06.2017 - A detailed portrait of a marriage, family ties and the community of Crosby, Maine. A penetrating, vibrant exploration of the human soul, with all the joys and grief of a painful journey of love. What sort of town is Crosby? Why is the book called...
01.03.2017 - « The compelling, inspiring and comically sublime story of one man’s coming-of-age, set during the twilight of Apartheid and the tumultuouis days of freedom that followed. » Questions discussed by Angie, Maria, Sandra, Sonja and...
30.01.2017 - ‘Serious Sweet’, by A. L. Kennedy (2016) Five of us (Maria, Lee Anne, Sandra, Alex and Andrew) discuss A.L. Kennedy’s latest book, the novel ‘Serious Sweet’ , long-listed for the Booker Prize in 2016. A good man in a...
10.01.2017 - Alan Bennett: ‘The Lady in the Van’ Five of us (Sylvia, Sandra, Heinz, Tom and Andrew) discuss the book by Alan Bennett: about the eccentric, stubborn and demanding woman who lived in a van for 15 years in the drive of the writer in...