14.09.2024 - In this episode Romina Achatz is in conversation with dancer, director, dance teacher and choreographer Minako Seki who is also practicing meditation, cooking macrobiotic food and also teaching Japanese traditional healing techniques. At the...
29.02.2024 - Marion Steinfellner und Lou Liska, die Queerness, Performancekunst, der Tanz, das Schreiben und die Malerei verbinden, schreiben gerade an einem gemeinsamen Buch namens “Queer Ecology”. Lou Liska studierte Humanökologie und arbeitet...
24.02.2023 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
09.08.2021 - Booktalk – Die Sendung über Bücher zeigt, wie AutorInnen die Corona-Pandemie erlebt haben. Zu Gast sind Nina Bilinszki, die ihre Bücher im Verlag veröffentlicht und Anna Hagmann, die Self-Publishing Autorin ist. Die Sendung zeigt wie...
27.11.2020 - When the yogi experiences that endless happiness (SUkHA) which is grasped by the discriminating faculty (buddhi) but beyond the grasp of the senses, he remains fixed in this state and never strays from the truth.. This state, free from any trace...
11.07.2018 - Angie, Alex, Heinz, Sandra and Andrew discuss the novel. ‘Haunted by a freak accident that killed their father when they were children, Jim and Bob Burgess escaped from their Maine hometown of Shirley Falls for New York City as soon as they...
06.06.2018 - Sandra, Alex, Heinz and Andrew discuss the novel. Schmuel – a young idealistic student – has abandoned his studies in Jerusalem, taking a live-in job as a companion to a cantankerous old man. But Schmuel quickly becomes obsessed with...
17.12.2014 - ★pop_queer_multilingua_poesia★ programm: “It always makes me very happy, making people uncomfortable.” Chimamanda Adichie What a quote to start from! What an Author. What a Book! Listen to Leni, Henrie, Lawrita, Gegi & Helga talking...
17.04.2013 - Ein Ausschnitt aus der Lesung “Der Friseur von Harare” vom Autor Tendai Huchu, Claudia Seigmann und Martin Laschkolnig, die von Südwind in der Buchhandlung Buchplus veranstaltet wurde. Am 20. März war der Autor Tendai Huchu aus...
08.03.2012 - Shownotes: http://spielend-programmieren.at/de:podcast:biertaucher:2012:041 siehe auch Themensammlung auf Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115278437571900143077/posts/TzyETvJxkCM Hier das Inhaltsverzeichnis ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:...