17.01.2013 - TURBO-RADIO™ goes Camping Im Keller 17.01.2013 Eine Stunde mit Ron und Matt von der Leipziger Intellectro-Kapelle Camping Im Keller. Wie man von Rockabilly (Matts Ex-Band The Jumblers) und Crossovermetal (Rons Ex-Band The Lazybunch) hin zu...
10.01.2011 - A NEW ISSUE OF «MEMBERS OF TURBOJUGEND SALZBURG INTRODUCE THEMSELVES»: Today with Schwarwel (comic artist, rock singer, honorary member) with his 13 most loved songs, from his I-Pod-list «My Funeral». An emotional and funny rollercoaster-ride...
10.01.2011 - TURBO-RADIO™: WILDE HILDE – SPECIAL as an extended 2-hour-show with Schwarwel-Interview on «Schweinevogel – Es lebe der Fortschritt» (film) and «Over The Edge» (film)and more! Wilde Hilde on the mic at the Radiofabrik (Photo...