23.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.34 today, bringing forth exhalation, tetention, BREATH which stability of mind can be gained through, and with that, VAYU the lord of WINDS as deity of breath appeared in my mind too and as promised last week already, we...
13.11.2020 - «Singing to Radha, we become Radha, the Goddess, the most intimate companion of lord Krishna, the manifestation of divine love… We meet our beloved late at night in the grove of our heart, and we lose ourselves in that meeting. Radhe...
10.05.2019 - …grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr In serenity, and as always in full awe of the macro and microscopic, spiritual and highly...