03.04.2022 - The Endless Summer radio show on Freirad we take a listen to the amazing career of Glen Campbell, including of course his time in the Beach Boys. From his time as one of Hollywood´s premier musicians in the Wrecking Crew, backing up legends like...
07.02.2022 - Teil II der Sendung über die Beach Boys untersucht ihren Nährboden, das Umfeld und denEinfluss auf Zeitgenossen und spätere Musikergenerationen.
19.12.2021 - Die Beach Boys und ihr neverending Einfluss auf die Popmusik. Eine musikalische Aufhellung in trüben Zeiten.
28.09.2020 - Join DJ Mark David and the Endless Summer radio show on Freirad as we look back at the man with the voice of an angel, Carl Wilson. Lots of gems from the early Beach Boys to his fantastic early 70s creative peak and a couple of solo beauties.
22.08.2020 - New York´s Richard X. Heyman has been one of America´s best kept secrets for decades. His wonderful guitar driven melodic pop recalls the genius of bands like the Byrds, the Hollies, the Beach Boys and heroes of yesteryear while sounding fresh...
11.04.2020 - For this month´s show I figured you could use a break from DJ Mark David´s yapping. It´s an hour of Beach Boys, Brian Wilson and similar artists instrumentals designed to help you mellow out and relax instead of having to worry about what some...
11.04.2020 - Summer´s gone and winter is coming. We´ve still got a trip to make first though. Join DJ Mark David and the Endless Summer radio show on Freirad on a journey away from work, hassle, and cold weather. For one hour at least we can travel together...
11.04.2020 - DJ Mark David just LOVES The High Llamas. Join him for an hour of incredible music as he pays tribute to one of the most creative artists, and one of the biggest Beach Boys fans, out there today. Includes music from The High Llamas and Sean´s...
05.04.2020 - The 2nd anniversary show – the Endless Summer radio show on #freirad. 100% guaranteed virus free new music from The Vapour Trails, Jonny Polonsky, The Districts, plus oldies but goldie’s from Dennis Carl Wilson the real Beach Boy, Kenny...
12.05.2019 -