22.07.2024 - In der heutigen Sendung hört ihr Interviews von der Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024 zum Thema Militarismus/Antimilitarismus.
30.04.2024 - Wie entwickeln sich der Kapitalismus und die liberale Demokratie in Zeiten der Klimakatastrophe weiter? Setzt sich ein “grüner” Kapitalismus durch? Oder erkämpfen wir eine gerechtere, bessere Art des Lebens?
04.05.2023 - "Extinction is nowhere and everywhere at the same time, as it becomes a part of our doomcore era..." - Maks Valenčič, Editorial, ŠUM#19.
28.09.2020 - In this episode Romina Achatz is in conversation with Michael Thomas about “Race and Reality”- which is the title of the book project he is working on. Currently is examining racial aesthetics as an intersection between...
02.11.2017 - The Vermont-based Bread and Puppet Theater is one of the oldest, nonprofit, self-supporting theatrical companies in the US. Four Bread & Puppeteers are currently on tour. On their stop in Vienna, they show: “Cantastoria...
03.06.2013 - This show presents an audiobook-ish experience, based on a talk by Silvia Federici about her book ‘Caliban and the Witch’. This book talks about how the development of capitalism is deeply entwined with processes of accumulation which needs to...
20.05.2012 - OccupySpring Eine Veranstaltung der Interventionistischen Linken mit David Graeber (Occupy New York/ Goldsmiths College der University of London) und Michael Hardt (Duke University), moderiert von Manuela Bojadzijev (Kanak Attak), mit...
26.10.2011 - After the world premier of Dean Puckett documentary The Crisis of Civilization, Imre Withalm interviewed the film maker and the author of the book the film is based on, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. In the interview you can hear the theoretical...
12.02.2011 - Diana McCarty interviews Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi on Radio Alice, social movements and media. Along with a few tips on how to enjoy the Club Transmediale Festival. Berardi is participating in the Life at Work: Bioeconomy and the Crisis of...
05.12.2008 - Civilmedia 08 – „Cultures – Participaton – Dialogue”: The Civilmedia is an annual international UnConference, organised by Radiofabrik Salzburg in co-operation with VFRÖ. This year it took place at the end of the “European...