28.02.2013 - On tonight’s program we will pay tribute to Michael Haneke and Christoph Waltz, take a look at their filmographies leading to the Oscars, and view their triumphs in the light of Austrian Cinema’s development in recent years. Plus, our...
18.10.2011 - V’11 – Hurchtipp – 28.10. – Traces of cinema (Kurzfilmprogramm). Zu sehen am 29.10., 16.00 Uhr, Urania und am 31.10., 18.00 Uhr, Stadtkino
29.09.2009 - Ether Radio Film Special Our guest is Wolfram Zöttl, a local cinematographer. We play music by Haunted Stereo and Grayson and take a look at the Viennale in Vienna Calling.