24.05.2023 - „One day to another they didn’t get food“ – Camp Kara Tepe auf Lesvos Am 17. Mai wurde bekannt, dass die griechische Regierung verfügt hat, dass Menschen mit bestimmten Asylstatus im Lager auf Lesbos kein Essen mehr bekommen. Die VON...
05.02.2023 - Im Fokus: Die aktuelle Situation in Afrika (viele Krisen)
06.06.2016 - Felix Stalder held his lecture „Radical Openness and the Crisis“ within the festival AMRO – Art Meets Radical Openness in May 2016 in Linz. He talks about three significant crisis – economic, political and ecological – and deals with...
16.11.2014 - In this show we speak with Lithuanian activist and researcher Arnoldas S. about the social and political situation in his place of birth. Located at the margins of Europe, Lithuania has been a terrain of neoliberal experimentation and seen massive...
19.09.2013 - This show is based on a conversation with Susana from London, who is involved in various forms of mutual legal support and anti-crisis-politics protests there. We speak about the practices of legal observing and court monitoring as taking place...
12.03.2013 - This show focuses on the issue of debt. We look at the sovereign debt crisis, with the help of an interview with Stathis Kouvelakis, and Nick Dearden from the Jubilee Debt Campaign. Nick tells us about citizens‘ debt audits and talks about...
26.10.2011 - After the world premier of Dean Puckett documentary The Crisis of Civilization, Imre Withalm interviewed the film maker and the author of the book the film is based on, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. In the interview you can hear the theoretical...