09.06.2021 - auralizing your dreams
14.05.2021 - Unidad | Einheit
14.05.2021 - En las calles | Auf den Straßen
14.05.2021 - Minutos de oro / goldene Minuten
14.05.2021 - ¡Dime qué me dices, mar! | Sag mir, was du sagst, Meer!
25.04.2021 - My show features a band that helps making life more bearable when it becomes unbearable with their music and lyrics. A Turkish cult figure who pioneered the development of Turkish anadolu rock, a Scottish musician who reinterprets Turkish folk...
06.04.2021 - Himno a las estrellas | Hymne zu den Sternen
05.04.2021 - Canción del destino | Lied des Schicksals
10.03.2021 - Culture, Politics and the Arts
07.03.2021 - Como agua de mayo Mit großer Erwartung erwartet