10.08.2022 - Auralizing your dreams
03.04.2019 - Von Demonstrationen zu Filmen. Von Sport zu Festivals in Edinburgh. Querbeet ist Name und Programm. Bunt zusammengewürfelt wie auch die Teilnehmer_innen dieses Basisseminars. Alice, Nemanja und Markus führen durch die Show und geben Einblicke in...
19.09.2017 - In August I spent 12 days and nights at the Edinburgh Festival. So in this edition of Potluck, I’ll be bringing you examples of some the music highlights that I experienced at the festival. After that it’s new releases from The War on Drugs,...
17.09.2015 - This edition of Potluck focuses on my personal highlights from this year’s Edinburgh Festival that I attended last month. The show includes: music from FFS, Sparks & Franz Ferdinand as well as new Scottish bands and singer-songwriters, a...