27.09.2020 - Moiren Im folgenden Mix hört ihr nun Tracks von Monibi, French Consession, Leonheart, FRKTL, Xqui, Irradition, Aya Metwalli, Liane Chiela, Thoom, Years of Denial, Tati Lmar und AK Sports.
25.08.2020 - soundInfusion by Frau Doktor Sarah every 4th Monday on radio AGORA 105,5 every 2nd Saturday on Radiofabrik & Radio FRO Info: www.agora.at
19.07.2020 - Andersworld Happy to announce our first radio show after a six months break, with fresh, juciy and some dark tunes out of the female:pressure network and beyond.
15.07.2020 - The history of electronic music and club culture has always been inherently political. In recent years, the discussion on power structures within club scenes – representation, booking and door policies, fees – has intensified. Zosia...
23.06.2020 - No talk, just music 🙂 enjoy this edition of soundInfusion and get a dose of Electronic Music, Alternative, Acid Jazz, World.
26.05.2020 - soundInfusion with Frau Doktor Sarah on radioAGORA 105,5 enjoy a selection of hypnotic, dreamy, exciting and enchanting sounds.
24.04.2020 - Musiksendung für elektronische Weltmusik und Downtempo Thema #04: Sol Selectas Labels: Sol Selectas, Rebellion der Träumer Wir stellen in dieser Sendung Musik des Digital Labels Sol Selectas (NewYork) und Rebellion der Träumer (Berlin) vor und...
17.02.2020 - In der 42. UnterTage Sendung widmen wir uns wieder Elektro & Weird Stuff made in Austria. Diesmal zum Interview von Phill Kullnig, Musiker und Head of Musical Collective (musical-collective.com) Veröffentlicht: So 16.02.2020 um 22.00 Uhr auf...
30.01.2020 - enjoy the first edition of soundInfusion in the year 2020. Electronica, Tech House, Techno, Disco and everything in between. Frau Doktor Sarah is ready to give you a delicious dose of music. Are you ready? 😊
26.11.2019 - listen and let yourself be seduced. Expect a selection of avant-garde electronic music, techno, nu jazz, synth pop, indie/alternative.