12.10.2022 - auralising your dreams
10.11.2021 - Auralizing your dreams
17.10.2021 - In diesem Interview mit einem Transgender-Anarchist aus Warzaw blicken wir zurück und sprechen über den queeren Aufstand, die Repression und die Auswirkungen auf die queere Bewegung.
13.10.2021 - auralizing your dreams
07.10.2021 - Today we talk with Vicky from Slovakia and Ayoub from Morocco about solidarity and volunterring.
26.09.2021 - After months of repressive lockdown measures and a hunger strike by well-known Greek political prisoner, Dimitris Koufontinas, the atmosphere was akin to a pressure cooker and the inevitable rupture was enormous, even by Greek standards.
19.09.2021 - I sat down with Scott Branson to talk about the new English language version of a book they translated for AK Press, The Abolition of Prison, by French revolutionary and prison abolitionist Jacques de la Haye.
25.08.2021 - A one-stop shop for all things football (soccer) related chatshow
15.08.2021 - Kesha Niya (Sorani Kurdish for ‘No Problem’) is a grassroots volunteer-run project and collective. Kesha Niya works in solidarity with people on the move to and within Europe and are currently active at the Italian-French border.
09.06.2021 - auralizing your dreams