29.11.2024 - SYMPOSIUM IN DER ALTEN KAPELLE AM CAMPUS DER UNIVERSITAT WIEN — Day 1, November 28th, 2024 ENGLISH — Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia visited Austria from 28 November to 1 December 1954. This was the first state visit to Austria...
13.11.2018 - In a slight departure from its regular programming, this latest episode of ZamZaman goes truly global with a curated playlist of timeless tunes from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. This month’s eclectic blend connects Brazilian...
30.03.2018 - > Kurzmeldungen > Kurzinterview mit Greenpeace Kampagnen Direktor Herwig Schuster zur Aktion am Ballhausplatz > Demonstration gegen Krieg und Faschismus im Esterhazy Park > Demonstration vor der deutschen Botschaft in Wien gegen die...