17.11.2021 - Pablo from Spain and Viki from Slovakia are back in studio to talk about cultural shocks and tips about life in Austria.
21.10.2021 - Ilma from Albania and Greece, Liza from the Phillipines and Pablo from Spain came today to speak about their volunteering and the impact the European Solidarity Corps can have in futur opportunities.
19.08.2021 - Welcome back to the new episode of Talking Europe, sadly the last one for this group of European Volunteers.
26.07.2021 - Interior | Innerhalb
26.07.2021 - Espacio y tiempo | Raum und Zeit
26.07.2021 - Acabar con todo | Alles beenden
26.07.2021 - Nada | Nichts
14.05.2021 - Unidad | Einheit
14.05.2021 - En las calles | Auf den Straßen
14.05.2021 - Minutos de oro / goldene Minuten