23.01.2025 - Milyen szerepet tölt be az iszlám az európai politikai identitásban? Hányfélék is valójában a muszlimok? És miért nem szerencsés iszlamofóbiáról beszélni?
14.01.2025 - In this episode of VC Mytilene, an interview with Hibai Arbide Aza about his upcoming book “Up To Our Necks”, about pushbacks in Greece. We discuss the book’s content, but also the creative process and if it could possibly impact...
09.01.2025 - Antisemitism: an ideology so deeply rooted in European history has become the centre of an infected public debate.
09.10.2024 - Bivši diplomat Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch se odziva na rezultate avstrijskih volitev Die Nationalratswahlen in Österreich am 29. September 2024 verdeutlichen einen Trend, der in vielen europäischen Ländern erkennbar ist: Regierungsparteien werden...
14.07.2024 - Wie? Europa ist eine Prinzessin? Ich dachte immer… Diese und andere Fragen, klären wir in unserer aktuellen Sendung. Außerdem sinnieren wir über unsere Traum-Urlaubsziele und schwelgen in Erinnerungen an vergangene Reisen. Gute...
28.03.2024 - Standard Time is a European cultural digital talk show, publishing weekly on Thursdays. This is a Display Europe and Eurozine co-production.
25.08.2023 - The art of cooperation between museums in eastern Europe.
12.04.2023 - In this podcast episode you are going to listen to the interview with Despo. This interview was produced for the 55th episode of IndieRE 2.0 by Thomas Paier from Radio Helsinki Graz, Austria.
12.04.2023 - In this podcast episode you are going to listen to the interview with Spitting Ibex. This interview was produced for the 55th episode of IndieRE 2.0 by Thomas Paier from Radio Helsinki Graz, Austria.
12.04.2023 - Sadly this part of talking can not be in the 55th episode of IndieRE - to less time