23.10.2024 - Nadia Denton visits the Radio FRO morning show "Der frühe FROsch" and talks about her work and th Cinéma Africain film festival in Linz.
22.10.2024 - An interview with the award-winning director and writer, Nina Menkes (Queen of Diamonds, Magdalena Vigara, Brainwashed, etc…). We discuss her career, the struggles of women in Hollywood, the male gaze, and much more! @menkesfilm...
24.09.2024 - Feminism at the Mostra!
25.06.2024 - Film Fatal takes a trip to the Croisette!
29.05.2024 - Tracing the Maternal through a Transnational Feminist Perspective
20.03.2024 - Mardi 19 mars — 21h-22h30 sur Campus FM On se retrouve pour une émission consacrée aux femmes dans la chanson Française. Chansons poétiques et contestataires. Paroles de femmes pour les femmes. J’essayerai d’abord de me...
21.02.2024 - Für die Erstausgabe des Soundkränzchens vom Dezember 2023 holte ich mir die Rapperin und Spoken-Word-Performerin Yasmo ins Studio
23.01.2024 - In der heutigen Radiosendung porträtieren wir das Linzer Künstlerinnenkollektiv freundinnenderkunst // Neuigkeiten und Ankündigungen aus dem Bereich Queer-Feminismus
28.11.2023 - The first episode of Film Fatal. An interview with Cristina Cretu. Cristina is a camera woman who has worked on many well-known films such as Star Wars: Rogue One, Poor Things, and Cruella. In this episode, we discuss her career, life on set, and...
28.08.2023 - In the current edition of 52 Radiominuten radio show we will delve into intersection of Queerness and machine learning, or how data sets can be used to train artificial intelligence and display queer bodies and identities, respectively.