11.02.2003 - Das Forschungsprogramm « Fremdenfeindlichkeit: Erforschung, Erklärung, Gegenstrategien » ist 1985 vom Wissenschaftsministerium lanciert und im Jahr 2002 abgeschlossen worden. Am Mittwoch, dem 11. Dezember 2002 luden daher der Klub der...
07.11.2002 - Bei der Pressekonferenz am 6. November im Ars Electronica Center wurde Josef Broukal, ehemaliger ZiB-Moderator des ORF zum Gespräch gebeten.. Josef Broukal hat erst dieser Tage seine 20-jährige Karriere beim ORF beendet und sich dem Kabinett des...
01.11.2002 - General topic of the cluster EUTIST-AMI: Examples Part 2: Examples for Research and Development projects funded within the EUTIST-AMI cluster. Statements from: Massimo Busuoli (ENEA) Ciarán Bryce (University of Geneva) Thomas Hassan (Public Voice...
01.11.2002 - Stream on the Fly « The future of streaming media starts here. » Stream on the Fly is creating powerful software for community media and freelance journalists to encourage distribution of valuable radio content. Statements from: Thomas Hassan...
01.11.2002 - CASSY – Citizen Assistance and Support System eGovernment of the next generation In the research and development project CASSY, three partners from Germany develop a new technology to enhance communication between citizens and city...
01.11.2002 - GAIANET Gaianet is a system to speed up and improve the detection of oil spills from ships. It uses distributed architecture to link satellites with environmental agencies, coastguards and pollution experts. Statements from: Yves Henaff, project...
01.10.2002 - General topic of the cluster EUTIST-AMI: Agents and Middleware Part 1: Introduction of the EUTIST-AMI cluster, explanation of what agents and middleware are. Statements from: Massimo Busuoli (ENEA) Ciarán Bryce (University of Geneva) Find more...