07.10.2022 - VENUSfrequency yogic edition Topics spanning a world of gratefulness, devotion and wonder. VENUSfrequency, LIVE every FRIDAY, in SEVA aka Service, on RadioOrange FM94.0 or worldwide via www.o94.at –www.VENUSfrequency.com
29.01.2021 - Courage dear one your journey is indeed long and perhaps your limbs grow waery each night rest and be at ease but each morning rise up again, LIKE a LION filled with the radiance of the sun and meet the day with a steady heart ablaze with the...
27.07.2018 - VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & Energyworker lifestyle, … in support of a more mindful and healthier world thank you for tuning in, I am feeling energetically potent, creative, and...