11.01.2017 -
12.03.2014 - [ENG] In this show we hear from different struggles around healthcare in Europe, notably from Greece, Spain and Italy. Health is under attack everywhere in Europe, to various extents and in different ways. Starting from the concrete experiences...
28.02.2011 - It’s time for one of our special programmes again. Today we will focus on songs about health (problems): e.g. Joaquín Sabina is stopped by a sudden coughing fit at the most decisive moments of his life. Gema Y Pável would like to stop smoking....
15.09.2010 - Wie reparieren wir uns selbst? Wie erhalten wir uns Abseits der hochtechnologisierten westlichen Medizin? Diesen Fragen gingen Eva Gütlinger und Birgit Kaps nach und entwurfen für das diesjährige Festival ein umfangreichens Repair Yourself...