10.12.2024 - To kick off Human Rights Day on FREIRAD, we are taking you on a literary, musical and multilingual journey into the diversity of human rights.
12.11.2024 - Wunderwelten, human rights, Anna Lindh Foundation,
14.03.2024 - talking with the human rights defender Marina Olivera
24.10.2023 - Maltese drag artistry and activism with Trihanna Wildé // On September 28 we mark International Safe Abortion Day
23.05.2023 - Aufruf zum Unterschreiben der Petition vom VIMÖ: Intergeschlechtliche Kinder und Jugendliche haben ein Recht auf körperliche Selbstbestimmung!
16.03.2023 - What was it like to live through the changes that happened to Afghanistan after the NATO left?
19.12.2022 - Poetry Cafe: Human Rights Keep up the fight....for Iranian women and elsewhere!
11.10.2022 - Ein Gespräch über Ideen, junge Menschen zu einer tiefgreifenden Selbsterforschung anregen und sie bei ihren sozialen Handlungsexperimenten unterstützen, in ihrem Weg zu gesellschaftlichen Changemakern.
28.06.2022 - Data scientist Sofia Kypraiou discusses artificial intelligence and human rights with us // Jasmina Tumbas about her new book "I Am Jugoslovenka!” with Ženergija
01.03.2022 - Drag collective "Magic Garage" in interview on their founding history, what drag is and lots more info on the queer community, but also queer politics!