03.02.2023 - Veranstaltungstipp: Das Grazer Saatgutfest am SA & SIR TRALALA live im KULTURfoyer + CRUSH mit Where Flowers Grow Hoch die Hände – Wochenende! Veranstaltungshinweis: Morgen SA 4.2. findet von 10:00-16:00 im Lendhafen das GRAZER...
30.01.2023 - RADIOTIPP: unser IndieRE Projekt startet diese Woche!! Für einen guten Start in die KW5 hören wir Paul & Pets mit „You got me” und empfehlen euch: Ohren auf! Diese Woche starten wir mit dem INDIE RE 2.0 Projekt auf Radio...
23.01.2023 - Countdown to launch: Our highly-anticipated IndieRE project is set to begin next week! Radio Helsinki will be participating in this international, two-year long venture. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity – stay informed...
16.01.2023 - The editor’s choice for this week’s IndieRE featured song went to BIRD OF THE YEAR with their catchy tune never meant to be alive. The band released their new ep ALIBIS a few days ago together with a six-part-murder-mystery...
02.01.2023 - Hello and welcome to this brand new year with a brand new series here on Radio Helsinki. This is Lilly Vanilli of the cultural department and I proudly present the IndieRE featured song – segment. For the next two years Radio Helsinki will take...