08.03.2011 - A 3-14-cast for the Pi Day special Pi Day 2011 in Vienna, Austria. Voices, sounds, raps, poems and stories are to be created for Mon, March 14, the Pi Day. This radio play was created by students of the 7a from the High School (Bundesgymnasium)...
08.03.2011 - A 3-14-cast for the Pi Day special Pi Day 2011 in Vienna, Austria. Voices, sounds, raps, poems and stories are to be created for Mon, March 14, the Pi Day. This Rap was created by students of the 7a from the High School (Bundesgymnasium) Theodor...
07.03.2011 - A 3-14-cast for the Pi Day special Pi Day 2011 in Vienna, Austria. Voices, sounds, raps, poems and stories are to be created for Mon, March 14, the Pi Day. This poem was created by students of the 3a from the First Vienna Bilingual Middle School...
07.03.2011 - A 3-14-cast for the Pi Day special Pi Day 2011 in Vienna, Austria. Voices, sounds, raps, poems and stories are to be created for Mon, March 14, the Pi Day. This audio scene was created by students of the 3a from the First Vienna Bilingual Middle...
07.03.2011 - A 3-14-cast for the Pi Day special Pi Day 2011 in Vienna, Austria. Voices, sounds, raps, poems and stories are to be created for Mon, March 14, the Pi Day. This voice performance was created by students of the 3a from the First Vienna Bilingual...
26.02.2011 - Gefahren und Nutzen eines sozialen Netzwerks DI, 11.02.2014, 12.42 Uhr: SchülerInnen der 4d des BRG Theodor Kramer-Straße machen sich zu «Facebook» Gedanken. Zu hören sind sehr kontroversielle Meinungen. Nach einer Kurzinfo zum Gründer Mark...
21.02.2011 - Magazin der WMS Knöllgasse DI, 26.07.2011, 16.23 Uhr: SchülerInnen der 2B der WMS Knöllgasse stellen in ihrer ersten Sendung verschiedene Themen vor, die für sie wichtig sind: Es geht um Fußball und was Schüler und SchülerInnen darüber...
21.02.2011 - Magazin der WMS Knöllgasse DI, 21.01.2014, 12.50 Uhr: Dieses Mal ist die 2d der WMS Knöllgasse am Wort. Die SchülerInnen machen sich Gedanken zu Musik, Freizeit sowie Fußballclubs, Lieblingsfußballer und ultimative Fußballsprüche. Wer...