27.02.2016 - Heute geht es bei «morgen» um folgende Themen: Heizen in der Übergangszeit Klimanlage für den Sommer Betriebskostenabrechnung Wechsel des Energielieferanten Eigene Erfahrungen zur Rückrufaktion von Mars, Snickers und celebrations Links:...
27.01.2016 - ——————————————————————————————————–...
29.09.2015 - Aufruf aus dem Kosmos 26. September 2015 18 – 19 Uhr Radiofabrik Salzburg Die «Welt-Raum-Woche 2015» vom 4. – 10. Oktober nehmen wir zum Anlass, um den Inhalt von 2 Filmpremieren im Salzburger Mozartkino zu besprechen....
23.10.2014 - Diego Urbina – European crewmember of the Mars 500 mission – talks about daily life in the simulation facility and the simulated landing on Mars. The Mars500 mission was the first full duration simulation of a future manned flight to Mars. The...
23.10.2014 - Romain Charles – European crewmember of the Mars 500 mission – talks about daily life in the simulation facility on his way to Mars and back. The Mars500 mission was the first full duration simulation of a future manned flight to Mars. The...
18.11.2013 - The final and long version of an interview with the Hi-SEAS commander Angelo Vermeulen after termination of the Mars mission simulation. CHALLENGES: What were your greatest challenges and your greatest difficulties? LESSONS LEARNT: What...
18.11.2013 - Interview with the HI-SEAS commander Angelo Vermeulen and geologist crew member Oleg Abramov after the termination of the first 4-month Mars simulation mission. Hi-SEAS is a NASA supported project and it is designed to test food preparation...
07.10.2013 - Mit der Landtagswahl in Bayern, der Bundestagswahl in Deutschland und der Nationalratswahl in Österreich standen in den vergangenen Wochen gleich drei wichtige Wahlen auf dem Programm – und unter dem Einfluss des Münchner Oktoberfestes, das...
19.08.2013 - Can you cope with long periods of isolation and still do all activities necessary to accomplish the mission goals? David Dinges, psychologist and professor in psychology and psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia,...
07.07.2013 - HI-SEAS Part II – http://hi-seas.org Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation Interview of 4 crew members in the simulation half-way through the mission. The NASA Human Exploration & Operations Mission Directorate has identified...