09.04.2021 - Neue Sendereihe: Psyche und Gesundheit – FRAUENGESUNDHEIT Frauen- wie nehmen sie ihre Gesundheit selbst in die Hand? Do. 08. 04. um 11. 30 h in Radio Orange Frauengesundheit ist ein viel bewegendes Thema! Frauen und Mädchen sollen vor allem...
09.04.2021 - „AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF…“ A POEM BY CHARLIE CHAPLIN As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is...
09.04.2021 - The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action...
07.04.2021 - Teil 2: Meditation und Anarchismus Wir interviewen zwei langjährige Aktivistinnen zur Verbindung zwischen Aktivismus und Innerer Transformation, Meditation, Spiritualität oder wie man es auch nennen möchte: die Bloggerin Julia Buchebner spricht...
07.04.2021 - Teil 1: Spiritualität und Nachhaltigkeit Wir interviewen zwei langjährige Aktivistinnen zur Verbindung zwischen Aktivismus und Innerer Transformation, Meditation, Spiritualität oder wie man es auch nennen möchte: die Bloggerin Julia Buchebner...
19.03.2021 - arriving at Patanjali’s Sutra 1.30 today, the inability to stay grounded, the NINE obstacles aka distractions or confusions to the mind. I have to admit, I binged on a little coffee the past few days, but I am off it again. Trying to find my...
12.03.2021 - …. are you ready for sutra 1.29 the realization of inner consciousness and freedom from all disturbances, also taking a look into the Mahabarata (one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Rāmāyaṇa) about...
05.03.2021 - it still is OM time, Japa, Mantra OM vibrations with, Sutra 1.28, … and a patanjalic view on the GOALS of yoga as outlined by Edwin F Bryant in his book the YOGA SUTRAS of Patanjali… Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom...
27.02.2021 - Ein b.a.s.e. talk der Extraklasse mit Doppelweltmeisterin und Dancing Stars Gewinnern Lizz Görgl über Leistungsfähigkeit im Spitzensport und exzellentes Leadership.
26.02.2021 - its OM time, with one of my favorite Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 1.27, … we will put our attention to the 3rd eye the pineal glandand the overuse, misuse and misunderstandings of Tantra Yoga is going to be a topic for not just today, aaaand...