23.11.2018 - Philosophy without practice is speculation! Practice without philosophy is fanaticism. Words of GURUdas aka Roger Siegel, spoken at my 300 hour SuperSoul Yoga teacher training & BHAKTI immersion graduation, earlier this year… YOU are...
09.11.2018 - “In today’s world, people experience two types of poverty: the poverty caused by lack of food, clothing and shelter, and the poverty caused by lack of love and compassion. Of these two, the second type needs to be considered first because if...
03.11.2018 - selbsterkenntnis meditation und gebt bilden einen kreis ohne anfang und ohne ende
26.10.2018 - What are all beings looking for in one way or another…it is peace. What steals our peace more than anything…it is our mind. ATHA, NOW here with you is me, annemarie in the studios of RadioORANGE, Vienna, Austria, where we have been...
12.10.2018 - Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. HIPPOCRATES Yesterday October 11th, marked the 15 year anniversary of my skydiving accident, that literally broke me in half. Feeling so much gratitude and LOVE...
28.09.2018 - #tuneIN FRIDAY september 28 #7am #Vienna time www.o94.at or FM 94.0 … living and sharing a popculture way of the yoga, meditation and energyworker lifestyle, in support of a more mindful world! * I AM SORRY * I NOW KNOW THAT I DID...
26.09.2018 - www.atme-dich-frei.at
25.09.2018 - „Überall, wo Leben ist, ist auch eine Spur von Glück.“ Pater Anselm Grün ist Doktor der Theologie und studierter Betriebswirt, Coach von ManagerInnen und RednerInnen in wirtschaftlichen Belangen, Referent spiritueller Themen,...
14.09.2018 - in this show… yogic contemplations about the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th limb of pantanjali’s ashthanga path of yoga, as explained in Anthony PREM Carlisi’s book THE ONLY WAY OUTisIN and keeping the 8th and final limb, SAMADHI for out next...
24.08.2018 - Yoga is like music…. 😉 VENUSfrequency, a yogic radioshow. Brought to you live every 2nd and 4th friday @ 7am Vienna time. On FM 94.0 IN VIENNA And Worldwide via www.o94.at and happy 20th bday dear beloved RadioOrange. OR RELISTEN anytime...