25.07.2023 - Heute zu Gast bei Andreas: Cat Stevens ( auch Yusuf) Sänger / Songwriter. Andreas "serviert" uns seine persönlichen 7 Lieblingssongs des Künstlers
07.06.2023 - What happens when an instrumentalist takes a masterpiece from the past and plays it? A performance of course, an interpretation of what the composer wrote centuries ago. What if this same masterpiece was interpreted by a composer instead? In this...
06.06.2020 - Shaina Kapeluck, Ross Lipton and Benjamin Schurr from the band Tadzio have prepared a very special episode! Shaina talks with Ross about her research on the history of american and british folk song and balladry traditions. They introduce (and...
31.08.2015 - Ein Mann und sein Lebenswerk, heute fast nur noch Eingeweihten oder Zeitzeugen bekannt, erfahren hier eine längst überfällige Würdigung. Denn der israelische Radiopirat und Friedensaktivist Abie Nathan betrieb zwischen 1973 und 1993 von seinem...
14.05.2015 - In this episode we will explore the origins of a couple of well-known songs and serve up a tasteful splattering of obscurities to boot, before being joined live by Laura Rafetseder and Markus Brandstetter who will perform a handful of folk songs...
11.02.2015 - A broad overview of traditional folk from the English language tradition with special guest Patrizia Sieweck singing both live solo and as a duet with one of the show’s hosts. Folk music from England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, the U.S....