09.10.2023 - Am 22. November finden die nächsten Parlamentswahlen in den Niederlanden statt, geplant wären sie für den März 2024 gewesen. Eine Krise in der Frage rund um das Thema Flucht, Migration und Asyl hatte am 7. Juli dazu geführt, dass der...
09.11.2012 - Keine urheberrechtlich geschützten Inhalte!! Playing in various punkrock and hardcore bands Tim toughened up a bit, but during soundchecks you could often catch him singing them sing along accoustic songs. How deep those songs went became obvious...
24.01.2005 - Sarah van Walsen is researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and specialised on women in migration. The dutch migration laws are very much bound on income and therefore there are dependencies for female migrants. The dutch law is on the way...