12.04.2018 - Ungekürzter Mitschnitt der Veranstaltung von Donnerstag 1. März 2018 19:30 im Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien Live Moderation: Thomas Lohninger (@socialhack) Katarzyna Gruszka (WU Wien): „Platform capitalism in the making – the story of...
12.04.2018 - Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung von Donnerstag 1. April 2018 19:30 im Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien Live Moderation: Thomas Lohninger (@socialhack) Katarzyna Gruszka (WU Wien): „Platform capitalism in the making – the story of Uber“...
06.04.2018 - Datenschutz und Überwachung Live-Sendung* Radio Rhabarber fragt anlässlich des geplanten „Sicherheits“-Überwachungs-Pakets ExpertInnen, wie die Lage im Moment aussieht. Was passiert mit unseren Daten? Wo lauern Gefahren? Wir wollen...
30.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Barbara...
30.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Stefanie...
30.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Amir from...
30.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Klaudia aka...
30.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Thomas...
29.03.2018 - Hey! You are listening to the first episode of Internet 404. This podcast is dealing with net politics and internet safety. In every episode we meet an NGO representative or net political player from Austria. Today we are talking with Claudia...
24.10.2017 - Datenhandel, Big Data, Anonymisierung von Daten, Privatsphäre und Datenschutz: Diese Themen stehen im Zentrum der Privacy Week die von 23. bis 29. Oktober im Volkskundemuseum in Wien stattfindet. Der Großteil der Inhalte richtet sich nicht an...