14.09.2024 - In this episode Romina Achatz is in conversation with dancer, director, dance teacher and choreographer Minako Seki who is also practicing meditation, cooking macrobiotic food and also teaching Japanese traditional healing techniques. At the...
12.02.2024 - #Fitspiration image verification — Das Projekt FIVE beschäftigt sich mit dem #, unter dem auf social media ein vermeintlich gesunder Lebensstil propagiert wird. Wie sich die Posts der influencer*innen auf Jugendliche auswirkt hat sich ein...
09.10.2023 - Our latest episode reviews our performance at the Freirad festival in Innsbruck’s Waltherpark, discusses nutrition as part of our food survival guide, and shares their tips on returning to university. Earth, Wind and Fire — September...
09.01.2023 - Simply biting into a Burger whole-heartedly or enjoying an Ice Cream Cone while strolling along the street — things many of us cannot do anymore without having a bad conscience. We dive into how mindfulness can impact your relationship with...
25.02.2021 - We discuss veganism in a broad sense, but also touch on Melita's personal reasons for following the diet and the stigma vegans often face from those less concerned with alternative aspects of nutrition.
28.01.2021 - Today's guest will be my good friend Jakov, who already inspired many people to start their nutrition and fitness journey by going through a huge transformation himself.
14.05.2020 - Fett und gesunde Ernährung, das schien in früheren Zeiten absolut nicht vereinbar. Heute ist das anders. Vielfältig sind die positiven Wirkungen, die Fette auf unsere Gesundheit haben können, wenn wir sie nur richtig nutzen! Wozu...