27.07.2023 - The final RadioActivism episode Unpolluted On Air, produced in Maribor by Radio MARŠ Maribor, Radio Student Zagreb and Radio Helsinki Graz. I’d write more, but water is running… down my face.
27.07.2023 - The Unpolluted on Air podcast production on Radio MARŠ concludes, at least for the first series, with a “trash talk” episode. Slovene does not have an adequate equivalent for the phrase, but Alja and Jan are joined by more than adequate...
23.05.2023 - Environmental activism in rural Slovenia has been, until recently, more of a campaigning, specific, localised activism. In recent decades, non-governmental organizations have started to address individual cases of harming the environment, changes...
17.05.2023 - The moment has come – this was Radio Student ZG’s final episode of the podcast, in which Poschko and both Saras shared their opinions on the need for violence and civil disobedience in eco- and other forms of activism.Sara P held an...
02.05.2023 - This month are our last Unpolluted on air podcasts being played on Radio Helsinki Graz, Radio Marš Maribor and Radio Student Zagreb. The grand final topic of May – Activism. Our Graz team focused on the activists, organisations and...
12.04.2023 - Ivan P, Sara P and Sara S from Radio Student trash-talked waste management in Zagreb. We’ve reflected on the new garbage sorting model in Zagreb and shared our thoughts on it. We have also prepared a short vox populi where you can hear other...
12.04.2023 - In this week’s episode of Unpolluted On Air, produced by Radio MARŠ, Alja talks to Julija Beršnjak and Nataša Vrhnjak from Ropotarnica. Located on Partizanska Road in Maribor, Ropotarnica is a “reuse center”, where clothes, items and...
12.04.2023 - The RadioActivists of Radio Helsinki open their April edition of Unpolluted On Air with some trash talk. Well, talking about waste in a constructive way, to put it better. Theresa shares some statistics, tips and tricks, Leila and Gea talk to the...
22.03.2023 - In this episode, the Radio Student team talked about second hand and fast fashion. Sara P spoke with Nidžara Mustafić about her second hand shop Mango Sticky Rice. Mustafić spoke about the importance of sustainable fashion and told us the...
13.03.2023 - Radioactivists from Radio Helsinki – Graz, Radio Marš – Marbor and Radio Student – Zagreb gathered in Zagreb and for a weekend locked in the studio researching, debating and revealing reality of second hand vs. fast...