10.07.2020 - Radio play: Emma (in Slovene) Author: Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže The radio play about Emma Goldman, an anarchist, feminist and activist opens up important topics about social issues. Her ideas are still relevant and present nowadays, so the radio...
26.03.2014 - Anfang April findet in Graz eine Mediaconvention statt. Der Titel lautet: «Freie Medien und unabhängige Berichterstattung«. Zusammen mit Gästen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum und aus Slowenien diskutiert Radio Helsinki, das freie Radio...
08.07.2004 - Radio activist and artist Lana Zdravkovic at the Radio Helsinki Nachrichtentagung 19/06/2004. She explains the way Radio MARS is organized and focusses on the way news are produced there. Part 2 will follow. MARS is pronounced [Marsh]...
08.07.2004 - Coverage of the discussion at the Radio Helsinki Nachrichtentagung 19/06/2004 after Lana Zdravkovic lecture on Radio MARS in Maribor. http://www.radiomars.si/