02.03.2016 - Richtig professionell klingt die Sendung, die die 2c Klasse des BG Zaunergasse aus Salzburg in ihrem Workshop bei der Radiofabrik aufgenommen hat. Mit Themen im Gepäck, die ihnen wichtig sind, gestalteten die SchülerInnen eine bunte Sendung,...
01.03.2016 - Ins kalte Wasser geworfen, aber nicht auf den Mund gefallen! Die erste Live-Sendung stellt das Highlight und auch den Abschluss des Radiofabrik Basis-Workshops dar. In dieser Ausgabe zeigen die TeilnehmerInnen Lena, Carina, Oliver, Michael,...
15.02.2016 - 2. Ausgabe der Hoamat Heroes-Radiosendung. Studiogäste und Live-Performances: Waste of Ink und Friday’s Spirit.
10.02.2016 - In this episode we have a guest from syria called Salim. We talked to him about his life either here or in syria. How was his trip from syria to austria? How it was since he arrived here? And what Salim wishes for the future? Salim is Actor from...
10.02.2016 - In this episode we have a guest from syria called Kotaiba. We talked to him about his life either here or in syria. How was his trip from syria to austria? How it was since he arrived here? And what Kotaiba wishes for the future? فى هذه...
09.02.2016 - Das Akademische Gymnasium bietet „Minimodule“ an, bei denen SchülerInnen der Unterstufe einen Tag lang aus verschiedenen Wahlfächern wählen und Dinge abseits des normalen Unterrichts ausprobieren können. 23 SchülerInnen kamen im...
08.02.2016 - In this Episode we discuss the Causes of the War in Syria . We speak about Syria itself.then the History .then finaly the Factors that affect the War. In this Episode we have no Guest .only discussing alone to give you Overwiew about the Case in...
08.02.2016 - This Episode is different. In this Episode we will not speak about Problems or Life of Refugees or the hard Trips from their Countries to here . in this Episode we have really good Example of Integration between two different Cultures in Music ....
08.02.2016 - In this episode we have a guest from Iraq called Eyad. We talked to him about his life either here or in Iraq. How was his trip from Iraq to austria? How it was since he arrived here? And what Eyad wishes for the future? He talk to us also about...
27.01.2016 - Der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Christoph Braunschweig, (Prof. der Staatl. Wirtschaftunivers. Jekaterinenburg) hat mehrere Bücher, Buchbeiträge und zahlreiche Fachartikel veröffentlicht (u.a. in: Harvard Business manager, Handelsblatt, Blick...