06.09.2019 - welcome to a new episode of « We Are Here » got so good news and some bad news as some Iraqi man in some europin country killed his wife and himselfleaving his children with no family Today we have two guests Mrs Elezabith Vogel a...
29.08.2019 - we are talking about what happened with Austria Wien soccer club after its intentions to contract with pro-Syrian regime football player.
22.08.2019 - كان موضوع الحلقة اليوم حول كيفية التعامل مع المعارضين لوجود اللاجئين وبعض النصائح حول ما لايجب القيام به في المجتمع المضيف لنا كان ضيف...
05.10.2017 - In this show there are a many news for you : on the Syrian refugee ( Najaw Fatouh) whom was nominated for (the 2017 International Children Peace Prize) , on (Fillippo Grandi’s speech) UN refugee chief , on UNHCR’s annaul Nansen Award...