12.03.2022 -
01.02.2022 - Tunes From Turtle Island_2022.04 24th Jan – 30th Jan ——————————– Cliff Cardinal and The Skylarks – It’s Gonna Be Fine Tall Paul & Calina Lawrence – Maria...
15.01.2022 -
11.01.2022 - Esta vez solamente con musica del genre reggae por que la computadora con la musica latina no funciona … pero bien estaba una transmision bien solo de musica que tiene su origin in la isla jamaica y solo de los discos acidos que todavia...
18.12.2021 - 2021 is almost over, and it has been a year in which many great musicians and artists have left us. For our final show of the year, we decided to pay tribute to our favourites who are no longer with us. Enjoy the following tunes: The Supremes...
14.12.2021 -
15.11.2021 - This show quite laid back with some Indie, Reggae, Soul, Folk, a Native Roots of Jazz segment featuring Dizzy Gilespie and more.
19.10.2021 - V Drugi glasbi nam bo danes igrala devetčlanska francoska zasedba Balaphonics. Ta z albumom „Spicy Boom Boom” te dni praznuje desetletnico od ustanovitve, igra pa zasedba zanimivo mešanico afrobeata, jazza in reggaeja. Vabljeni k...
18.10.2021 - Danes Vam predstavljamo novi album ene najdlje nepretrgoma delujočih in delovnih klezmer zasedb sveta. S tem nazivom se ponaša Amsterdam Klezmer Band, katerega album „Fortuna” prinaša odkrivanje novih horizontov klezmerja in...
10.10.2021 - This show has Indie, Hiphop, Country, Jazz, Reggae, an interview with Leonard Sumner, and more.