27.02.2023 - Die derzeit in Innsbruck lebende ukrainische Vertriebene Ira Kurhanska (Office Ukraine - Shelter for Ukrainian Artists) führt Sie durch die Lebenswirklichkeit der Menschen in und aus der Ukraine.
10.10.2022 - Radio AugartenStadt with the 1st „Air Bridge“ (the „Luftbrücke“ project), with the connection from Vienna to Beirut.
19.10.2021 - Druga glasba danes prinaša album z naslovom „Songs of Uganda„, torej „Pesmi Ugande„. Posnela ga je zasedba Resilience okoli pevke in humanitarne aktivistke Rachel Magoola. Prinaša pa ta album tako tradicionalne pesmi...
14.06.2020 - The new hosts of "Snapshots from the Borders" are presenting their first show. Telling their motivation for participation and ideas, topics they are interested.
06.04.2020 - Favour ist talking about encouragement! How to stay save, to protect yourself and others from the Corona-Virus. Take precautions, be aware, but don’t panic! Also Favour takes a look to Sierre Leone, how the pandemic is recognized – as...
18.12.2019 - How can young people in the Alps take an active part in political and social life and support climate protection in their communities? The project LOCAL tried to answer these questions together with Alpine municipalitites and youth.