30.01.2017 - Songs of Robert Burns Scotland’s national poet, celebrating his birth on January 25, 1759 Texts read and Music played: Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary? Walter Scott’s description of Burns My love is like a red, red rose (melody on...
29.09.2016 - Es war der 2. Jakobiten-Aufstand, der die Engländer in Schwierigkeiten brachte und den Enkel von James II. berühmt machte. Er hieß Charles Edward Stuart, doch die Schotten nennen ihn auch heute noch Bonnie Prince Charlie – er war ein...
12.07.2015 - Dieter Berdel, Simon Drabosenig, Jasmin Haider, Karl Menrad – Haggis, Whisky & Co. Mit Robert Burns durch die schottische Küche Mandelbaum Verlag, Wien, 2013, 216 Seiten, 24,90 Euro Manch einer erzählt von seinen Verführungen im...
29.01.2015 - Poems read and Music played 1. ‚To a Mouse‘, by Robert Burns 2. ‚Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary?‘, sung by Alastair Macdonald 3. ‚My love is like a red, red rose‘, played by Fiona Hyslop on the clarsach...
02.10.2014 - „Should Scotland be an independent couuntry? Yes or No?“ Part 2: From Medieval Scotland to Today In this Forum we take a theme, often of current interest, and explore it critically. We illustrate the discussion with poems and music. A...
11.09.2014 - „Should Scotland be an Independent Country? Yes or No?“ Poems read and Music played: 1. ‚Alba‘ (Runrig) 2. ‚Stirling Brig‘ (Alastair McDonald) 3. ‚The Castle, Edinburgh‘ (James Lumsden) 4. ‚The...