11.07.2022 - In this episode, I have the absolute privilege of talking to Pascal Hazeleger. He works on solving complex problems through developing networked organizations. He is involved with the blue neighborhood economy foundation in Spijkerkwartier in...
07.04.2022 - What is white supremacy culture and why should we all care about getting rid of it? Coach and Facilitator Natalie shares her perspective and experience with us.
10.12.2008 - Am 10. Dezember, dem Int. Tag der Menschenrechte endete die Kampagne 16 Tage gegen Gewalt, die am Int. Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Kindern, dem 25. November begann. Aus gegebenem Anlass widmet sich diese Sendung der Redaktion des Frauenforums...